Tuesday, July 29, 2008

i rejoice...

Psalm 118:24

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I rejoice that I am tired, because that means that I have a job.
I rejoice that my feet hurt, becuase that means that I am able to walk.
I rejoice that I got wet walking outside, because that means that it is raining.
I rejoice that I get cold sitting inside, because it means that I have a house that is airconditioned.
I rejoice that sometimes my clothes fit a little tight, because it means that I have enough food to eat.
I rejoice that my car doesn't start very well, because it means that I have transportation.
I rejoice the fact that I miss my friends from school, because it means that I love and am loved.
I rejoice that I have a broken heart at the loss of our dog after 14 years, because it means that we were blessed to have him around for so long.
I rejoice that I have student loans, because it means that I am able to go to college.
I rejoice that I am still awake at 1am, because it means that I am catching up with old friends.
I rejoice that I get annoyed with doctor appointments, because it means that we have insurance and are able to take care of our health.
I rejoice that I have friends and family that love me, even on days when I don't seem to love myself.
I rejoice that I serve a God who is big, so much bigger than I could ever imagine, that cares about the deepest and most hidden part of my heart.

I rejoice, because no matter how tough days can be, God has made the day, and waits for us to find and seek Him in the midst of it.


the fredin's said...

that's awesome hill. I love it! Good post...keep em coming :) love you!

aunteem said...

you and me both sweet child.
i am so sorry about sweet puppy. it is so hard to say goodbye. i know kellie is about ready to adopt out! in case you need doggie energy....
i sure do love you

aunteem said...

you know the closer to erin coming home the more i miss her...i'm so ready to see the child!

Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH....WHAT HAPPENED TO TUCKER???????? :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
and good post...i'll post in a few...

e.r.i.c.a said...

hillary, that was really nice. I think that acutally just helped me realize some stuff. I lovvvve you. thanks for all your advice.