Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I am not, but I know I AM.

Exodus 3:14
14 God said to Moses, "I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.' "

when we get our arms around I am, he begins to resize us. he gets really big, and we get really small. but we are connected to a really big god. we are a little speck on a little planet in the middle of a little galaxy, in the middle of a huge universe. I am not, but I am connected to a God who's name is I am. When we say God I am not, but you are, your name is I am. That's when healing can begin to take place. His name is I AM, and he is more than enough for whatever we are facing.

Sitting here for the last week recovering from surgery has given me the opportunity to just sit and be still. I have done it all, watched tv, played wii, spent time surfing the internet, sleeping, and talking to friends, but recently I have found some sermons on the internet and have started listening to those. I'm not even sure where the church is at or anything about it, but I have been inspired by these sermons, so I thought I would share. I hope and pray that the Lord would show you that He is I AM.


the fredin's said...

good insight hill. you are always so good with that.

the fredin's said...

now it is time for you to update :)