Sunday, November 07, 2010

Just another day in paradise

I am updating my blog to avoid homework. Some things never change :)

School is going well. We added 4 kiddos last week, so our number are growing. My guess would be that I will add at least 5-10 more by the end of school. We are starting to creep up on 50! Friday I was asked what grade I was in at one school and then later the afternoon asked if I was a girl's mother. Both of which I just shook my head and laughed.

I think I have found a church home. I have gone a couple of times to Journey Church . I really like the worship and how many different ways there are for me to get connected. The people are really we'll see how the next few months go. I was driving to church today and saw the Fred Phelps people on the corner with signs. I had seen them on tv, but this is the first time I have seen them in person. You've seen the signs about God hating gay people and how the war is because of our sins and yada yada yada. I wanted to roll down my window and yell at them, but I just kept driving by. As a Christian it just made me angry. How could you read the bible and claim to be a Christian and tell people that God is full of hate. I'm pretty sure that's not found in any bible I read.

Other than that, life is pretty much the same. Still just livin the dream, facing the giants, and trying to make a difference. Keep loving!


Anonymous said...

I loved hearing from you Hill! I hope you continue to enjoy that church. I'm sorry that you saw those hateful "christian" people! I wonder too why they are filled with so much distain and hate and wish that people would stop giving them attention. But anyway! I sure am missing ya and I hope you write again soon! <3 ya!

aunteem said...

Thanks for the update! Glad you are finding a church you are enjoying.

Miss ya!