Friday, September 26, 2008

breaking and molding..

September 26..already? Can't be. Wow I can't believe it's almost October. That seems crazy to me. Time flies when you are having fun, or so they say. So I guess this time is flying. A senior? Couldn't be. But I guess it is.

The last month has been crazy. 18 hours, helping coach high school volleyball, working 2 days a week, being an RA, doing 2+ hours of rehab a day, plus homework, sometimes I think I forget to breathe, so I'm glad that's an automatic reaction of the body. Things are busy, boy are they ever, but busy is good too. The foot is coming along well I think. I took a few steps yesterday, didn't hurt really, I just don't have an arch so it's kinda weird to step on. I am currently baking 5 pounds of brownies for a basketball bake sale tomorrow, avoiding the homework that seems to constantly loom over my life. But soon I will walk across that graduation stage with a degree in my hand.

Not being able to play basketball and condition with the girls has been a very hard, yet humbling experience. The goal right now is December, which is about a month after games start. I am realizing that I just want to be what the team needs, if by that point it's just coming off the bench and playing a few minutes, then that's what it is. I just want to fill in where I am needed. I sometimes feel now that I am just an outsider looking in, but I know that the Lord has timing in it all. I am being patient, yet relying on His strength everyday.

James 1: 2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

The Lord is teaching me about perseverance and patience, breaking and molding me. And that's my hearts desire, to be broken by the only one who can truly heal me. I pray that the Lord is healing you, and breaking you.


Unknown said...

yes. i would love to hang out. when can we do it? we are both so crazily busy!!! but we should definitely find time. It's important!

aunteem said...

that is exactly the vs the Lord has given me lately. i know these weeks have been hard on you. don't doubt for a moment the role God has for you in bball. He needs your positive leadership and determination. I will be more faithful to pray for your healing and you.
mom 2

the fredin's said...

i know the lord is just teaching you SO much right are going to come out of this difficult semester even more amazing than you already are :)
oh and will you please come do your laundry at my house?? :)

Melisa said...

you are an encouragement to all!!
I hope you choose today to be a no homework day or at least one of many memories to last a life time.

ahhh senior year! Live it up!

Melisa said...

How is the leg? Its time for an update I'd say!
Get your friend Erin to do one too!