Saturday, October 04, 2008

bingo and friends...

we went to goodwill to find outfits for bingo

lil ed and i
We had bingo a couple of weeks ago, so I decided to put up a few pictures. A few of us went to goodwill to find some outfits, hoping that maybe they would bring us good luck, unfortunately they didn't. None of us won, however got some good looks in the process.

A week and a half until basketball practice starts. Crazy! I am in the process of learning to walk. I walked with crutches for a couple of days last week, but it hurt too bad so now we are back in the boot. We are going to try again next week and hopefully be off crutches and walking in a normal shoe by the end of the week.

This week I had to write a paper for Faith and Life called, "My Four Year faith journey". How am I supposed to explain how the Lord has worked in my life in the last 4 years in 3 pages? I used the verse
Genesis 1:3-4 "And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He seperated the light from darkness."

From darkness to light, that's the transformation that has happened. I came in freshman year knowing who the Lord was, but not having really any clue on how to make my life intersect with his love. Now I look at where I am, and realize I'm not where I should be, not where I could be, but thanking the Lord that I am better than I was. The Lord has moved mountains in my life, restorted me, and captured my heart by the only one worth giving it to.
And a lot of it...I owe to these girls. I have no idea where I would be without, I wonder why He has put people like them in my life, because I am so undeserving of their love and friendship, but then I realize it's because He wants me to see a glimpse of just how good He is.


the fredin's said...

I LOVE that picture of you four! You girls are amazing...i just love you all so much! It is really amazing to see what the Lord can do in 4 years huh? And now just like you were influenced your freshman year, you are influencing and being an AMAZING role model for all your girls. I bet that was a good paper you wrote :)

by the outfits.

the fredin's said...

you are so cool. have i told you that lately? i mean those pink aviators pretty much put you over the top :)

Anonymous said...

um, you're pretty cool as well. did you really write that comment on my blog at 6;30 this morning? are you ok!? why are you up that early?

Anonymous said...

and how did i miss this party at aunt marchel's!?

aunteem said...

hey sweetheart. love you lots. missed you last weekend!